You care about equality, and will fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. With your natal Uranus in Libra, you’re usually a creative person with some sort of artistic talent. You have a great mind, and you can use this to succeed. You can be attracted to science, or be concerned about the environment. With your natal Uranus in Virgo, you can be inventive when it comes to dealing with work, becoming more efficient, health issues, and service. You tend to do things your own way, can speak your mind about subjects you’re passionate about, and can lead people. With your natal Uranus in Leo, you have plenty of passion and can use this to help the world on a large scale, or to make a contribution on a smaller scale in your own life.

You can be a sensitive person and it plays with your energy levels. With your natal Uranus in Cancer, you’re dedicated to your home and family, but you may be someone who wants to change conventional family, and the family that you have may not be the family that you share blood with. You need a certain amount of change in your life, and aren’t afraid of new ideas. You have a diverse group of friends, and love to learn, especially about original ideas and unusual subjects. With your natal Uranus in Gemini, you’re an adaptable person, and likely drawn to technology.

You can make things happen using innovative, original methods. The more you stick to your position, the worse it gets for you, so learn to be more flexible. With your natal Uranus in Taurus, you seem like someone that’s easy to be around, but you actually have a stubborn side to you. You’re enthusiastic about pursuing new things, and can be impulsive. You have plenty of energy, do things your own way, and won’t be forced to be anything that you’re not. With your natal Uranus in Aries, you can come up with new ideas and paths, but may have a hard time figuring out if it’s a good or bad idea.